Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Stall look

I quickly sketched up an idea of what our stall could look like it looks a bit messy but I think it should look a bit like this, let me know if anyone disagrees:


We have official sought out the layout of the room with the other teams so it is a nice u shaped walk way. We are now in the corner opposite the entrance

Decorating bottles

Another idea of decorating our stall that Hayley and I had (with the reusing the bottles in multiple ways). Having little positive notes in a bottle
Where the idea came from:
The idea:
"inspirational" quotes I found to put in the bottle. This is Done to give positive feelings to students at this time as it's stressful with hand ins

Monday, 29 September 2014

drink ingredients

Caitlin and I had the idea to have these business card sized ingredients lists that people can take away with them if the want remake their drink later on. This one is almost finished, I just need to add the fuse logo in the bottom right corner.


Today jarrod and I stenciled the tshirts, we just did the top of the shoulder to the sleeve. However we quite like the simple strip on the sleeve. Tomorrow we will test how this glows in the dark.

Poster Concept

Hey guys finished up working on this poster concept and added the little tags on.
Let me know what you think ?


Sunday, 28 September 2014

Bottle caps 2

We also ordered some plastic bottle caps but found they didn't look as nice as the aluminium ones

Bottle caps

We ordered 5 different bottle cap styles from jarrods links he found for bottle cap factories.
We ordered: 
20mm aluminium cap 
24mm aluminium cap
28mm aluminium cap
24mm white coneseal cap
24mm black wadded cap
From here we found the 28mm aluminium cap fit best with no looks and looks nicer. They are $0.42 each therefore to get around 100 it would cost $42. Firstly we need to work out how many bottles we are making before we order. It only took 1 working day to arrive therefore if we know by at least Monday we will be all good. But I would prefer to know by sometime this week just to be safe

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Position of the drinks

Caitlin and I have been doing the finishing touches of the drinks today. Here is what we did:
We considered the option of making the drink on the day so the consumer can partly chose, however we decided this could be messy and it takes away some of the aspects we originally wanted with this game (getting what your hoop lands on).
We have three final flavours which I have designed Caitlin's idea of having business like cards displaying the recipes to them. Will post the development of the card design later today 

Thursday, 25 September 2014


We quickly drew up a time line of what we think needs to be done by market palace, what does everyone else think?


Hayley and I also discussed options for decorations for our stall. We thought it would be a good idea to encourage the re use of our bottles. We thought it would be too much to bring new ideas to our stall so to stick with our patterns, from here we thought it would be cool to have maybe 4 or so patterned bottles on the stall to show the re use of the bottles. I.e. A bottle as a vase, one as a terrium or with cool things in it and one with battery powered fairy lights inside
Red roses should be used to mix with the Alice and wonderland team


Hayley and I unpeeled all the bottles today that josh has sandblasted. We also started sticking more patterns onto other bottles to be sand blasted i think more vinyl needs to be printed as we couldn't find any more

Bottle stickering

Me and Caitlin applied vinyl to some more bottles today (approx 18) all up. 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Fabric to cover light box

Just found around 2m of black cotton fabric we can use to cover the light box if we want just needs a bit of an iron

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Hayley and I also got a chance to measure out the space we will be using after we were a little panicked from hearing another group wanted 5x3m. We found we fit just outside the entrance and will have around 3x1.5ishm. We will have to like into having a barrier just as you enter as out light box table will come out a bit and might be a hazard to hit especially in the dark.

Black light

Hayley, Jarrod and I went to meet with other black light groups today where we decided we can't use fairy lights as it will work against the black lights (Our table is still fine). We are now looking into hanging paper cups in the style we were looking at with the fairy lights, to give some more light/colour to the room as well as decorate and bring the room together nicely. We tried the foam cups from the cafe upstairs but it did not work. We will look at making the paper cups soon.

Vinyl removal from bottles

Today caitlin and I grabbed all the already sanded bottles and removed the vinyl from them

Please please help!

Hey guys, I just sandblasted the bottles that Hayley and I did. There is only 15 done because no one else has helped out. It takes while to sandblast the bottles and I tried to make it easy for everyone by cutting the vinyl, but we aren't going to get this finished unless everyone does their share!

Pleeeeaaasse grab up some bottles and return them asap so I can sandblast them! We really have to pick up the pace because I'm not going to have time to do them all!

Bottle capping.

Okay so I have been looking into bottle capping this morning and I have found an option that I think will work for us. It took quite a while to find decent screw tops thats would suit but I think these ones will do the job and are not too expensive. I also looked into corks, we can source some locally but they will be too expensive and I think it is a bit late and risky to import them now.


Set up timeline

The timeline people asked some questions, I figure our stall should be fairly easy to set up so we will only need around an hour the night before

Equipment people (?)

So I talked to some equipment people and asked them to sort out a tall skinny tables and the light box for us. 

We can also just sort out 10B05 by ourselves which is cool

Ambassadors meeting

So I'm at the ambassadors meeting thing, I'll just bullet point some of the things that are relevant:

There is a design guideline for the fuse logo etc that we should follow in our posters. I assume this will be sent out. 

We have access to the great Hall kitchen but we have not heard when it will be available. I have asked again about the sanitizing facilities and the safety people say they will get back to us. 

The payment system is with tokens, people pay $5 at the door and get 5 tokens to spend. You can buy more throughout the market too. 
Everyone will also get two voting chips that can be used to vote for the best makers group and the best facilitators group. Winners will receive a prize.

I emailed Mac last night and requested power to our stall etc

Some questions that I'll ask:
Can we reserve one of the tall skinny tables to use in our stall?

Is the black fabric available that we can use?

Is 10B05 okay to use?

When can we move stuff in to start setting up?

Monday, 22 September 2014

Glow in the dark paint

I have found some glow in the dark paint for fabrics at Gordon Harris, it cost 69.99 I think the student discount is 15% which will take about $10 off of the price meaning it will cost us all about $12 each to split. I would like to hear what everyone thinks of this price or is it too expensive? For outfits there will be further cost for the clothes themselves too but I don't think too much more. We can check spot light and made on Marion for more choice for glow I the dark paint but I am unsure whether they sell them. Please let me know what you all think and whether you can quickly check any places that would likely sell glow in the dark paint that is suitable for fabrics by tomorrow thanks


Instead of using a theme, I think it would be best to keep it simple and really emphasis our patterns from this: I thought we could therefore use our designs of our bottles on our outfits here are my ideas:
So I thought we could either have white or black fabrics (to be tested) and just have a simple box dress for the girls and a simple long tee for the guys. There will be a strip of fabric at the bottom of the dress and the tee that will have the design of our bottle on it and it glows in the dark. The guys can also wear black jeans. We can also wear colourful hate like Izzys suggestion previously if we want? What do you guys think?The first dress is a no by the way I think it will be too much.

How much room we need

I have been looking into the layout of our room, wondering how we are going to fit. I have heard that the mini put team want 5m x 3m of space, I am not sure if we would be able to fit with this so I decided to do a quick trial of our game to see how much space we would roughly need. I used other students to test this out to also get their opinion of the game.
I did this experiment outside at night time in similar lighting to what it would be on the market palace day. I used beer bottles at similar size to our bottles.
I firstly tested with the bottles in a triangle shape fairly wide:
With the hoop being one glow stick at 0.5m it was too easy and everyone got it over in 1 go.
However 1m it took 15 shots before someone got it over a bottle therefore too hard. Then we tried using two braclets stuck together at 0.5 and 1m were too easy. 1.5m took on average two turns and 2m took 3 turns.
I then tried alot wider with two braclets and at 2m distance it took 5 turns.
When I put the bottles closer (touching each other), it took on average 4 turns at 1m and 8 at 1.5m with one glow in the dark braclets it was a lot harder and the people throwing the hoops didn't enjoy it as much. 
I lastly tested a square which at 1m with two glow in the dark hoops stuck together took 2 turns and 3 at 1.5m.
I also tested just having one bottle in the middle with two hoops stuck together, at 1.5m it took around three turns
From this I decided we would probably need around 1.2m (slightly bigger than the table) x 2.5m (.5m if we would like a stall at the front) at the most of space.
The students who tried this game enjoyed the first style the most at 2m where it was a bit competitve, the square version at 1m the second most and then there being only one bottle to aim for. They did not enjoy the triangle being bigger, or the triangle being smaller.
They also thought the game was fun, and said it helped get their minds off uni work, as they were competing against each other.

"It was good to take my mind off uni work, and focus on beating my friends"

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Punch/ soda flavour trialling with izzy

This afternoon izzy and I got together to trial some more punch flavours. From the critique we were asked if we had thought to use soda stream (which we hadn't) so we decided to give it a go with some non soda stream flavoured cordials.
First up we decided to give just plain old orange and barley ago. It was nice but nothing startling. 

So we decided to add some passion riot syrup to it aswell. It was pretty legit. Just enough sweetness, but not too much like your drinking cordial or normal fizzy drinks. 
Next we decided to give the apple and pomegranate ago. It was nice on the first couple of sips but we could tell a whole bottle of it would be way to sickly sweet.
Then we decided to give the rhubarb and infer flavour a go. It was pretty awesome but we decided it could possibly benefit from a little bit more sweetness.
So we combined the two together making a wonderful combination of rhubarb, ginger, apple and pomegranate. 
From their we thought, why not go one step further and add a dash of raspberry cordial. It was just on the right side of sweet with a hint of tang. The flavours complimented each other beautifully.

Punch/soda cost

Going of what me and izzy trialed today with soda stream and syrups I think I worked out that we could make 1 bottles worth of drink for around 44 cents. This is if the bottles we have are 275ml ones anyway.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Soda Stream alternative recipes

Some links to some websites that have some interesting alternative soda stream recipes that we can follow or use as a base for our own ideas.



If you find any other nice sounding syrup recipes let me know, thanks.

Light bottles

Carrying on for decorating our stall in my last post I had the idea of little bottles with fairy light inside for light if needed they are around $12 for 3 for each of them. I thought we could look into putting battery powered lights inside. On Thursday I will be going to see the battery powered fairy lights to see if it will work.